Saturday, February 25, 2012

18-week sonogram!

On February 23, at 1:00 pm, I had another sonogram.  My good friend Erin came with me because Tim couldn’t get time off at the hospital.  He really wanted to come, but it just wasn’t possible.  Before he left for work, I asked him if he wanted me to text him with the gender of the baby, and he said, “No, I can wait until I get home from work and you can tell me in person.”

The sonogram technician said everything looked great, which was a huge relief.  I was so worried about spina bifida because I wasn’t able to take prenatal vitamins after about 6 weeks due to severe morning sickness.

The technician at first said she couldn’t tell whether the baby was a boy or girl because its legs were politely crossed.  She gave it a couple gentle nudges and a few minutes later checked again.  This time, even I could see its legs were wide open and I knew what it was before the technician confidently proclaimed, “That’s a girl!”  No hesitation whatsoever.

girl 2

After the sonogram, I texted Tim the following picture:

face baby 2

He texted back immediately and said, “I can’t wait.  Boy or girl?”  I texted him the first picture, and he said, “Told you.”  Ha ha ha.  It’s true, I was convinced it was a boy, but from the very beginning Tim has thought it was a girl. 

We’re so excited to have two girls – sisters are awesome!

Monday, February 20, 2012

17.5 weeks

Well, time flies and I am getting HUGE.  I already look like I'm about 6 months pregnant - I guess I should have done more crunches before I got pregnant again. :-)

I'm super excited because on Thursday (February 23), I get to have another ultrasound and (hopefully) find out if this baby is a girl or a boy.

I still have morning sickness, but not as bad as during the first trimester.  The doctor prescribed Zofran for me, which helps a ton.  I still feel sick, but I feel okay enough to go throughout my day not feeling like I want to curl up in a ball and be put in a coma for the rest of the pregnancy.

We've been trying to help Squiggles understand that her world is about to change, but she doesn't really understand and seems to think the idea of a baby in Mommy's tummy is patently absurd.  I guess I can't blame her.

13 week ultrasound

Today I had my risk-assessment ultrasound - it was fantastic!   Uncle Lance came with me because he had never seen a live fetal ultrasound.  We got to see the baby's heart beating.  The baby was wiggling around like a champion - seems like this baby might be related to his or her older sister.

Everything looks great so far, and the ultrasound made me so excited to be having a baby!  Tim was super excited about it too - he kept texting me and asking how things were going.  My appointment ended up being an hour late, so he had to wait a long time.  When I finally sent him a text saying everything looked great, he sent a text back requesting (practically demanding) a picture, so I took a picture with my phone of a printout.  When he got home last night and looked at the rest of the pictures, he smiled and beamed and said, "I like the looks of that baby."  We're so excited!