Woo hoo! I haven’t given birth yet – this is officially the most pregnant I have ever been.
The baby moves position several times a day. One minutes she’ll be head down in birthing position, then suddenly she’ll decide she wants to hang out by my ribs again. My belly shape is constantly changing. Tim and I get a big kick out of watching an elbow (or knee - who knows?) move from one side of my belly to the other. I have decided that she is doing swimmer’s kick turns in my belly. It’s the only explanation for the sudden and drastic changes in position. We’ll have to take her to the pool when she’s done doing time in the womb and test out my theory.
Squiggles is getting ready for the new baby. She loves to lift up my shirt and say, “Hi, Baby Sister” in a high, sing-song voice. It’s adorable. But every time we see a cute toy or outfit in a store and I say, “Should we get this for Baby Sister?” she responds with, “No, mine!” Ha ha… we’re in a for an adjustment period, I can tell already.
I have been feeling utterly exhausted the last couple days. Yesterday I felt like I completely crashed, and today hasn’t been much better. I have a feeling my iron is really low again – I don’t seem to have enough energy to walk from room to room, and every time I sit down, stand up, or even sneeze or cough, I see stars and feel like I’m going to faint. We got steaks for dinner and I’ve been popping iron pills, so hopefully things will improve. We got gym memberships and I’m dying to go swimming. I haven’t been for a couple weeks and I need to get back in the water – it feels so good to swim laps.
Also, it has been in the high nineties the last few days, with nearly 100% humidity. This weather is a special kind of hell for this eight-months-pregnant gal. :-)
But… it’s going to be over soon. Can’t wait to meet this little kick-turning, sleep-stealing butterball baby. I love her so much already, and I know it just gets amplified a thousand times after birth.